What you need to keep koi


Koi are a hardy fish that can survive different climates including the long winters of the northern United States making them an excellent choice for a backyard pond. There are however some necessities to ensure a long healthy life for your koi.

Pond Size/Depth: Koi are of the Carp family which means they can exceed sizes of 36 inches. This means you’ll need at least a 1500 gallon pond to house them for their long life expectancy of about 75 years. In colder climates like our hometown of Western New York, at least a portion of your pond should be 3 feet or deeper to allow enough area under the ice for the koi to survive.

Water Quality: Keeping healthy koi requires keeping healthy water. To build a successful koi pond or water garden you must ensure the pond has adequate circulation and filtration. Many choose to do this with a decorative waterfall/filter box. Stop and see us or your local pond experts for advice on picking the right pump and filter for your pond.

Food: Koi are mostly vegetarian fish. When kept in a water garden or koi pond it is important to feed them a quality diet. This is a simple as buying reputable koi food from your local dealer. Beware, in colder temperatures koi must eat a wheat germ or easier to digest food, and below freezing temperatures koi will not eat at all.

Cover: This can be in the form of floating plants like water lilies, or a shade tree growing near the pond’s edge. In shallow ponds koi need to be able to escape the direct sunlight. Cover also helps disguise them from common predators like the Blue Heron.